Search Results for "Oncology"

Issue 09/02/2021
Launch Price Tracker
Person 03/16/2021
Sara Tabatabai
Research Data Analyst, Center for Health Policy and Outcomes, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Person 10/29/2020
Peter B. Bach, MD, MAPP
Director, Center for Health Policy and Outcomes, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Research 12/17/2018
Fact Checking the NYT Fact Check on the Trump Proposal
The Drug Pricing Lab takes issue with The New York Times "Fact Check" on the recent Trump Administration proposal to pilot alternative reimbursement for Part B drugs.
Research 05/30/2017
Association of Rebates in Part D with Patient OOP and Federal Spending
The way Medicare Part D's benefit design shows that rebates actually increase patients' out-of-pocket costs while shifting spending from plan sponsors and manufacturers to Medicare.
Research 01/04/2017
Hospital Outpatient versus Doctor Office Cost for Physician Administered Cancer Drugs
A new analysis reviews several analyses of differential costs of care provided in the doctors office and hospital outpatient settings.
News 06/07/2016
Value Tools at ASCO 2016: Building a Framework for Prime Time
Lynne Lederman reports on the 2016 American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual Meeting.
Research 05/16/2016
Part B Pilot Congressional Concerns
Members of Congress provided conflicting forecasts on how the agency's proposed pilot program of Part B drug payment might affect aspects of Medicare beneficiary care.
News 05/10/2016
A Q&A with Peter Bach
Peter Bach speaks about the Drug Abacus, the importance of using value frameworks, and using the European market as a model to recalibrate the healthcare system in the United States.
News 04/29/2016
Expensive Oral Agents Responsible for Cost Shifting in Cancer
Oral anticancer agents are being launched at significantly higher prices compared with a decade ago and has become a barrier for some patients.
Research 04/11/2016
Part B Payment for Medicare Drugs
A new analysis sheds light on why proposed changes to the system are being met with opposition and what they could mean for providers and patients.
Research 07/17/2013
Reforming the Payment System for Medical Oncology
Infusion of chemotherapy has long been a profit center for medical oncologists. Here are various approaches to cancer drug payment reform, and their strengths and weaknesses.
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